Friday, May 2, 2008

Filch it Friday: The Book Meme

Today my Filch-It Friday subject is stolen from Foolery's "My Sad Pathetic Little Book Meme".

I've always been a voracious reader. I was a shy, quiet kid - which I eventually outgrew - and I spent most of my time reading. I knew the meanings of multiple-syllable words long before I could pronounce them. (I mention this because it was an embarrasment to me, but I was too shy to ask anyone how to pronounce anything!)

I always had a book 'in process' stashed under or near every chair in our house, so if I happened to sit there I could whip it out and read. I had no problem simultaneously reading several books at once. (Ahh, youth!)

That said, it's been rather hard to narrow down selections to what is asked of this meme. But here goes...

List three books you’ve always meant to read,but haven’t gotten around to reading.

  1. "Crime and Punishment", by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I have to admit to a fascination with Russian literature, while at the same time being bored to tears with it! I guess I need Russian Lite. I read - or should say, struggled through - "The Brothers Karamazov". I just can't bring myself to start "Crime and Punishment".

  2. Goethe's "Faust". See comments above, omit Russian, insert German.

  3. "The Odyssey" by Homer. I'll settle for the Coen Brothers version, "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

Share the two books that changed your life.

  1. "Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders," by Vincent Bugliosi. I read this at the age of 13 and it scared the cr@p out of me. I slept with my bedroom light on for a loooong time afterwards. I still think of it if I get up in the morning and my purse is not where I think I left it the night before.

  2. Shirley Jackson's "We Have Always Lived in the Castle". Just call me creepy. Something about Merricat's little spells and peculiarities really connected with me. I actually wanted to name Darling Daughter Mary Catherine so I could nick-name her Merricat. The Hubs vetoed it. (Note: Anything by Shirley Jackson is excellent.)

Recommend the one book you've talked about
since the very first day you read it.

I don't think I can do this. I'm not surrounded by readers, so I don't talk about the books I read very much. I've also noticed that in my middle age, if I don't really like a book, I can just stop reading it and move on to something else, so that means every book I finish I really like. (When I was younger I was compelled to finish every book I started, love it or hate it.)

Maybe I will just list a few books that I have read many times over, in no particular order.

"Little Women," by Louisa May Alcott. Given to me by my sister when I was 15 and spent a summer with my leg in a cast. Now I live less than half an hour from Orchard House, and I take all my out-of-state visitors there.

"The Godfather", by Mario Puzo. First read when I was 13. I've read it many times. I was annoyed when Meg Ryan's character in "You've Got Mail" didn't understand the phrase, "Go to the mattresses".

"The Stand," by Stephen King. A classic good vs. evil epic.

"Jane Eyre," by Charlotte Brontë.

"The Group," by Mary McCarthy.

"Persuasion," by Jane Austen.

I'd love to read your own choices! Please let me know if you take on this challenge!


nutmeg said...

I'm doing this one! The best thing about Filch It Friday is it brings me to wonderful new blogs! Off to visit Foolery!

Don Mills Diva said...

I love The Stand. I did a six-week road trip back in 1992 and my buddy and I took turns reading it out loud to each other - we finished the whole thing - AWESOME!

Wendi said...

I love your little book meme!
Great list!
I am a huge Jane Austen fan.
I am mad about Nicholas Sparks.
I have his entire collection.
I enjoyed Jane Eyre.
Hhmmm... I have not read Little Women in forever. I must have read it a dozen times though. Great book.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I always welcome comments. I enjoyed visiting your blog today. BTW...I like pink too!