Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said...

Love your photos! Beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting!

Don't forget to tell the story behind the photo at tomorrow too!

Anonymous said...

That deer looks like he's posing with the angel. Cute!
I'm sure he's really thinking, "can I eat this thing?"

Kathleen said...


motherbumper said...

I am in awe - that is beautiful. We never see that in the city.

Anonymous said...

Good pictures... LOVE the second one. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

WOW they sure get close. Great pictures!

Here is this week's WW post -- a cute little playhouse you may like.

Anonymous said...

awww they are so sweet! My daughter loved these photos! LOOK Mama she has Bambi at her house!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful creature. You've captured them well. I love the one with the angel. So cute. :)

Thank you for the nice comment and visit over at my place. Have a super day!

Susan Cook said...

Wow, That's awesome! Those are in your yard? Hey I'm from Massachusetts originally, Now I'm in NH!

Susan Demeter said...

Gorgeous photos!! Happy WW :)

Anonymous said...

WOW, love how close you were about to get. The pictures are great! Happy WW!

Nissa said...

Wow- those are great deer photos! Happy WW & thanks for the visit!

Anonymous said...

Boy and I thought I had a deer problem. My deer eat all my flowers. I have never told anyone this but I bark at my deer. Yes, I do, I pretend to be one of those big dogs and bark. They've learned my bark though and now they just look at me like I'm some kind of idiot. I guess they're right! I just hate it when they eat my flowers!

Thanks for visiting my blog, and yes our kids grow so fast. Happy 13to yours!

Anonymous said...

Boy, these guys aren't afraid to get close! Nice get...especially the lone deer at the table. Thanks for visiting Spatter.

A Free Man said...

Wow, up close and personal with the natural world! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful shots. We have a lot of deer coming out right now too. Beautiful, beautiful animals. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Thanks for visiting me. Happy WW.

Daisy said...

Oh wow, look how close the deer came! We do not have any deer where I live. Just alligators.

threesidesofcrazy said...

I bet you have a hard time keeping plants around!

Sweetiepie said...

Wow! very beautiful picture! The deer looks like they enjoy so much! Happy WW!

Don Mills Diva said...

Oh my gosh they are gorgeous creatures and so close. Beautiful photos!

HartofDixie said...

These are all beautiful. Lovely shots!

Anonymous said...

oh wow! beautiful shots! :)

thanks for visiting my site. enjoy the rest of the week! :)

Mapped Memories
Cafe Munchkin

catsynth said...

Very nice photos.
I grew up north of New York City, we had lots of deer.

Jen said...

That is so cool!!! Is this just out your backyard?! What a great place to live!! Have a great week and thanks so much for stopping by :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. They are so beautiful and there are so many.

Susan said...

These are great photos!

Becky said...

Great photos! Luckyyy! I've always wanted to live somewhere where we could see the deer come up to our backyard.

MommaBoo said...

How beautiful!

No way I could be quiet enough to sneak that pic!

Happy WW!

Mama Duck said...

Beautiful, I love the snow (too hot here ;)).

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

Nature. Ahhhhhh. Love it!

Anonymous said...

I think he wants to eat it!

Anonymous said...

Great shots. I particularly like the second one. Looks like the deer is saying, "When's lunch?" Happy WW, and thanks for visiting.

Anonymous said...

honey, i'm home. where's my dinner?

those are great. happy ww. :)

Small City Scenes said...

Great photos. We don't see too many deer up in our woods anymore. I don't know why. The horseshoes said when ther is a mountain lion around the deer disappear. Mebbe so!
I was thinking of your husband in a female household--bless him. We had 4 daughters and I sometimes wondered how my husband kept his sanity. OR maybe he didn't!!
Thanks for visiting. MB

Stephanie said...

Oh, wow, look out! The deer are invading! :) Hope they weren't too hard on your garden.

Thanks for stopping by my WW post.

Beemoosie said...


Anonymous said...

Sooooo stunning, well done ;)

lareine said...

wow! how i wish i was there... i have never seen one for the way, thanks for the visit:)