Monday, July 7, 2008

Silly Me

You moms of younger kids may not know this yet, but when kids get to be 13, they get embarrassed pretty easily by their parents. (I remember being mortififed of mine, the reason why escapes me..)

Anyway - at work, they were cleaning out an office that had turned into a dumping ground. All kinds of stuff came out of that office - it was like Fibber McGee's closet - and yes, I just seriously dated myself by knowing about Fibber McGee's closet. For you uninitiated whippersnappers, here's a 26 second lesson clip:

So out of this office that would make Fibber McGee proud, came 4 large pink flamingoes. Not the molded plastic type, but seriously heavy wood and hand painted (did I mention they were LARGE??) They were going to TOSS THEM, can you imagine? Being a lover of all things pink, and flamingoes, I had to rescue them! I mean, they were PINK for crying out loud!!

They now reside in a spot in my garden that is well back from the road, yet still visible if you glance our way as you drive down the street.

It IS my job to give Darling Daughter something to be embarrassed about, isn't it?


scargosun said...

Bwaahhh! That is great! They look cute!

Anonymous said...

My town once had a law that didn't allow pink flamingos in yards..can you believe that?

As Cape Cod Turns said...

I hope they are withing view of 13 yr olds window so she can see them all the time!
I would have kept them too!

Melisa Wells said...

Ha! Thanks for the Fibber McGee video. I had never seen him before, but as I grew up, my mom used the phrase "like Fibber McGee's closet" about ten thousand times! (She had also explained what she meant, so I knew what was coming at the end of the clip.) Fun!

I would have kept them too.

Angela Nazworth said...

How funny. Those flamingos are really cute...not the tacky kind at all

Mozi Esme said...

Oh how cute! Aren't they supposed to symbolize retirement or something, though? I'd say retirement looks pretty good right now . . .

Anonymous said...

WOW, what a find! They look great.