Thursday, July 24, 2008


I've got a cold! A full-on head cold. I went to work today and felt miserable, like I was moving in jello. Couldn't concentrate. I'm supposed to have tomorrow off and start vacation, although have to do laundry and pack first. But the dang server was down and has thrown me off. Now I will have to go to work tomorrow, with my cold, feeling crummy, and THEN come home and do laundry and pack. And I don't feel like doing ANY of them!

I feel a major pity party coming on.


Melisa Wells said...

TAKE COLD-EEZ. Really, it'll help!!! Sending healing vibes your way...

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

Total bummer! Really. Yes, let's try to do Starbucks or whatever when you return!!

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Have your pity party, take some nyquil and get on with packing, OK? I am heading back to the Cape today. I will look for the PT cruiser with the 2 yellow kayaks. That should be a good blog picture! Hope to see you tomorrow!

RiverPoet said...

Sorry, darlin'. Colds do suck! Drink juice and get as much rest as you possibly can.

Peace - D

Lois said...

I agree with Sue, Nyquil Day and Nyquil Nite time, seemed to help me. Hope you get to feeling fine soon, and can enjoy your time away. Have fun....
Love you. Mom