Monday, November 10, 2008

Feliz Navidad

I was driving home this morning, after I dropped Darling Daughter off at school. About halfway home, I turned on the radio - just in time to hear José Feliciano singing "Feliz Navidad."

There's a phrase used to describe a song that won't leave your head all day. I can't remember what it is...earworm? Earwig? In any case, it's an hour after the fact and that song is still in my head.

I think it's going to be a L-O-N-G day.


Melisa Wells said...

Missed you, Kathy! xoxo

And thanks for that song, Jerk! (just kidding)

Anonymous said...

I went to a freinds baptism of her daughter and Jose was there baptizing his child...I started singing it right there in church. Can't believe they are already playing that song!

Anonymous said...

I KNOW! That!!!! So glad to see your post. You have been missed.

DesertHen said...

Okay, now I have that song stuck in my head...thank you very much....he, he...=)

Happy Valley Mom said...

Since when did Christmas fall the day after Halloween?

I must have the wrong calendar.

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

I know. It is bad especially when all three of them sing it too.

Glad you are back.

Mozi Esme said...

Right about the song!

Before coming to Mozambique, I worked for a nonprofit vocational rehab for people with developmental disabilities - primarily mental retardation. Definitely a fun and rewarding job! Whenever I went into one of the thrift stores we operated, one of the clients would be singing that song, every time, usually complete with a Santa hat on his head! It always made me smile...

Anonymous said...

LOL~!! We had a radio station that was in Spanish when we lived in Colorado.. on Christmas Day, they play that song ALL DAY!! So funny, but so hard to get out of your head!
Glad to see you back girlie~

Anonymous said...

I return to let you know the song is STILL in my head.
